miércoles, octubre 17, 2007

Prehistoria OVNI e historia OVNI

Estimados lectores:

A través del siguiente artículo iremos progresivamente hablando de lo que se llama la prehistoria OVNI que en parte nos muestra que el concepto de "ovnilogía moderna" a partir de 1947 no necesariamente marca una división de la historia de la presencia y avistamientos de OVNIs.

Quiero partir brevemente remencionando una cita sobre el tema OVNI en http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UFO_sightings en donde aparece lo sgte.

1) 0329 BC: Central Asia (356-323 B.C.), A historian during the reign of Alexander the Great tells of two strange craft that dove repeatedly at Alexander's army. According to the historian, the panicked war elephants, men, and horses then refused to cross the river where the incident occurred. He describes the objects as "great shining silvery shields, spitting fire around the rims... things that came from the skies and returned to the skies."

Allí se indica que en el añ 0329 antes de Cristo la historia de Alejandro el Grande reporta un suceso aéreo anómalo.

Referencia: Frank Edwards: 'Stranger Than Science', (Pan Books, London), page 198, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Edwards_(writer_and_broadcaster)

2) 1492-10-11: Christopher Columbus notes in his journal that about 10:00 on the night before he discovered the New World, he was patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria when he observed "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. The light vanished only to reappear intermittently during the night, dancing up and down "in sudden and passing gleams, like the flickering wick of a candle" The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained."

Allí se indica que durante uno de los viajes de Cristobal Colón uno de los tripulantes vió un fenómeno aéreo anómalo bajo el tipo "luz" (estaría anotado en la bitacora?).

Referencia: Christopher Columbus UFO sighting in 1492. Retrieved on 2007-02-13. http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case487.htm del libro 'The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus' (1850).) (Libro de la vida y viajes de Cristobal Colón).

3) 1566-08-07, Basel, Switzerland: Black globes appeared in the sky above the town. An observation in 1566. Retrieved on 2007-02-21. ver http://ufologie.net/htm/1566.htm

Allí se menciona lo sgte: "Between 1561 and 1566 residents of Nuremberg, Germany and Basel, Switzerland witnessed spectacular displays of spheres, disks and tubes zooming about the sky and engaging in an aerial ballet.(Woodcut, Wickiana collection, Zurich) On August 7, 1566, at dawn, many citizens of Basle (Switzerland), frightened, saw during several hours the black spheres involved in a formidable aerial battle, invading the sky of their city: "at the time when the sun rose, one saw many large black balls which moved at high speed in the air towards the sun, then made half-turns, banging one against the others as if they were fighting a battle out a combat, a great number of them became red and igneous, thereafter they were consumed and died out," wrote Samuel Coccius, the student in "crowned writings and liberal arts" who consigned the strange events in the city's gazette. SOURCES: See also Nurnberg 1561.

These observations were also mentioned in: "Ein moderner Mythus Von Dingen, die am Himmel gesehen werden""A modern myth: things seen in the skies" Carl Gustav Jung, Zürich, Stuttgart, Rascher Verlag 1958.

Adjunto la versión alemana: "Es handelt sich um ein Flugblatt, welches verfaßt ist von Samuel Coccius, "der heylgen Geschrifft und freyen künsten studiosus zu Basel im Vatterland im August des Jahres 1566. Er berichtet, daß am 7. August dieses Jahres, um die Zeit des Sonnenaufgangs seind vil großer schwartzer kugelen im lufft gesehen worden, welche für die Sonnen / mit großer schnelle vnnd geschwinde gefaren / auch widerkeert gegen einandern gleichsam die ein streyt fürten / deren etlich roht und fhürig worden / volgends verzeert vnd erloschen." Wie die Illustrierung zeigt, hat die Observation in Basel stattgefunden. Das Bild zeigt den Münsterplatz mit dem Antistitium. Die dunkle Farbe der Ufos dürfte wohl daher rühren, daß sie gegen das Licht der aufgehenden Sonne gesehen wurden. Andere sind dagegen hell (und sogar feurig). Charakteristisch für die Ufos ist die Schnelle und willkürliche Unregelmäßigkeit der Bewegung.

Lo que allí se indica es que en el año 1566 se vió en la ciudad de basilea (y quizás en nueremberg) al amanecer grandes bolas de color negro que se desplazaban de manera rápida y que hacían movimientos de retorno cada vez que entraban en juego con otras bolas negras (entre sí) como si se tratase de una batalla.

Además propongo ver también http://ufologie.net/htm/1561.htm en donde se menciona lo sgte: An observation in 1566: "Between 1561 and 1566 residents of Nuremberg, Germany and Basel, Switzerland witnessed spectacular displays of spheres, disks and tubes zooming about the sky and engaging in an aerial ballet. On August 7, 1566, at dawn, many citizens of Basle (Switzerland), frightened, saw during several hours the black spheres involved in a formidable aerial battle, invading the sky of their city: "at the time when the sun rose, one saw many large black balls which moved at high speed in the air towards the sun, then made half-turns, banging one against the others as if they were fighting a battle out a combat, a great number of them became red and igneous, thereafter they were consumed and died out," wrote Samuel Coccius, the student in "crowned writings and liberal arts" who consigned the strange events in the city's gazette. " SOURCES: See also Nurnberg 1561. Theses observations were also mentioned in: "Ein moderner Mythus Von Dingen, die am Himmel gesehen werden", "Modern myth: things seen in the skies", Carl Gustav Jung, Zürich, Stuttgart, Rascher Verlag 1958.

Ver las ilustraciones que adjunto más arriba!

4) Salto ahora a un incidente anómalo aéreo indicado en Chile para el año 1868 en Copiapó:

1868: Copiapó, Chile A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over the town. Local people described it as a giant bird covered with large scales and producing a metallic noise. This is the first nineteenth-century instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude. Ver http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/timeline.htm

También se puede ver lo sgte:

Jul., 1868: Copiago (Chile). A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century. (Fort 638; Anatomy 11)

Algo adicional se puede ver en

The story first appeared in The 18 March 1868 issue of the Chilean newspaper El Constituyente. Minners near Copiapo, Chile, claimed to have seen a strange aerial object, describing it as, an enormous bird that at first we took for the clouds ... It was moving from the northeast to the southeast and its flight was fast and in a very straight line. It passed over just above our heads and we could see the strange structure of its body. Its great wings were covered in brownish feathers; the head of the monster looked like that of a lobster and its eyes open wide and bright like embers, and it seemed to be covered in something resembling thick hair, like a sow. Its body was long like a snake's and only bright scales could be seen on it, which sounded like metallic pieces when the strange animal moved them.Charles Fort later included this story in his book Lo!, which is where I probably learned of it, as I devoured Fort's books in my immediate post-high school years.But this Copiapo story doesn't have all the details I remember: I distinctly recall another UFO story from South America from the 1800s, involving an airborne object that cast sparks and gave someone a burn or rash. Does anyone out there remember this? Am I confusing two different UFO stories?

Si se lee en http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_6696.shtml se encuentra el siguiente artículo:

"One of the first modern reports during the 19th century came from Copiapo, Chile, where many believe that the first modern documentation of an unexplainable sighting was undertaken by investigators in July of 1868. Ten years later, a local farmer by the name of John Martin reported to the Denison Daily News in January of 1878 that he had spotted a flying object in the sky. He described the item as being large, dark, and shaped like a circle, where he claimed the sight was much similar to that of a flying balloon. "

También se menciona el hecho en http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Lista_de_principales_avistamientos_ovni
y en
y en
y en

5) Además creo conveniente mencionar un artículo en http://www.angelfire.com/zine/BLH/prado.html que se la hace al periodista y ovnílogo clásico Sr. Juan Guillermo Prado sobre varias cosas y entre estas él acota los sgtes. hechos:

"De que hay hechos anómalos en nuestro mundo eso sí. Ya en 1580, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, que fundó dos fuertes en el Estrecho de Magallanes, describe en su bitácora de viaje que emerge de las aguas del Estrecho, una especie de escudo de color blanco que se transforma en bermejo, que cambia de color y cambia de forma y vuelve a caer al mar. Y que ilumina como la luz de la luna que está al otro lado del mar. Ese personaje incluso llegó a hacer un dibujo de lo que vio, dibujo que posteriormente Leopoldo Castedo inserta en la Historia de Chile que publica junto con Francisco Antonio Encina, pero que no logró determinar lo que era. Si uno ve el grabado cree que es la luna, pero en la bitácora está la descripción.
No es el único caso importante. Si uno lee, por ejemplo, al padre Alonso de Ovalle, descubrirá que dice que ¡en los cielos de Chile hubo una batalla aérea que duró tres meses! Además hizo el dibujo de la batalla."

Los que quieran aportar con este artículo sea para complementarlo, corregirlo y mejorarlo son bienvenidos!

Edición: 17/10/07

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