Estimados lectores:
adjunto una carta que escribí el año 2019 para expertos en alucinaciones y esquizofrenia que quizás les interese leer.
Estimados lectores:
adjunto una carta que escribí el año 2019 para expertos en alucinaciones y esquizofrenia que quizás les interese leer.
Dear specialist in hallucination and schizophrenia:
my name is Miguel Jordan, an electrical engineer very interested in the hallucination phenomenon. I write you shortly to ask you some issues related to this topic where you are an expert. Let me start with a little introduction to make you clear what are my intentions and interests in this area unless beeing an engineer, this means, someone with supposed interest in areas not neccesarily related to your area. Iam also a researcher in the parapsychology area, only because I had have myself unusual experiences (let me say you I have seen "unknown beeings", so named "paranormal phenomena" and "rare objects (for example UFO´s, true devices, clearly not human made). I can explain you later a lot about this but I think maybe it is now unneccesary for the purpose of my letter. Returning to the time when I began to experience such unusual episodes, after those "perceptive facts" I tried to understand this experiences and supposed that the best way was to ask my friends and parents and other known people but much of them answered me that this what I was talking about did not exist (or it is better to consider it not as something true or real but only on mind) while other state that unless these experiencies are true and real (including unknown people presence or manifestation (close encounters)) the esence or nature of this phenomenology is not the best for beeing tested through the scientific method. Of course with the time one discover that there are a lot of things that are not suited for the scientific methodology but this does not mean that they are not of interest and also that the study of such topics are of course of importance, not for all but as less for the perceivers maybe some of them people actually diagnosed as hallucination sufferers or also suffering schizophrenia.
Of course in the beginning it was a big surprise for me because unconscioussly I knew that there is something rare with this kind of experiences but they are in appearance true or clearly real for me as the perceiver but not neccesarily for the other witnesses or actual perceivers. Some other unusual phenomenon were also experienced with other witnesses at the same moment. For example, UFO phenomenon is something true in some places in southamerica and you can be approached by intelligent lights that are clearly something not manufactured by any technologically developed country. When you are a witness of such phenomena you enter technically in an altered state of perception and also of cognition because the body and mind do not have any idea (we suppose) about the way to behave and react to this manifestation and also try to get a way of escape to a possible danger. I mean danger or fear is something we feel when we experiencied such episodes, including tachycardia and some accelerated breathing and a lot of concentrated attention to each of the unknown intelligent objects and phenomena surrounding us. If you do not believe in such unknown nature (lets say a true paranormal explanation) as less you can also consider that the witnesses are experiencing something trully outside themselves.
I also believe that they are some cases where people are unconscioussly autosuggested or collectively suggested, or they are not aware of the presence of natural or artifical hallucination agents (pollen, or experiencing the effect of some eaten alcaloids) or beeing unconsciouslly used as guinea piggs. Much of these explanation alternatives are often not considered by scientific researchers or therapists when treating some people who mention some episodes medically classified as "hallucination". Let me now ask you something: -what is really an hallucination? when are we in front of an hallucination (hallucinating) and when are we not? -is it neccesary that other one tell you that they are not seeing (or perceiving) something to suppose that we are hallucinating? -what is the problem with hallucinating?
Maybe the fact that the content of the hallucination (the episode perceived and/or assimilated) is something that: a) could not be true or real (as less not true for all when users of the scientific method verifies it)?; b) is politically incorrect to be told because it is a tabbu and when you continue talking about this you some society groups and members with start treating you as someone with a disorder or telling unconvenient stories?; c) because it is not logic or there is no coherence?; d) others and mix of this others? What is the real problem with hallucination? The problem is related to "hallucinating" or it is the unconfortable reaction of the society to topics that are better to hide or to consider as mythology or unsense? What may an "hallucinator" (a special "perceiver" or witness) do? Is it scientific to treat some unusual episodes as simple hallucinations or illusions? Let us suppose that other intelligent beeings exist (an all the unknown reality and physical phenomena related to their existence and manifestation in the perceiver´s surrounds). Let us also suppose that some people could effectively perceive them and sometimes interact unless with those beeings (material or energetical or what else) unless other present subjects can not perceive them or do not realize that one subject is perceiving this presence. In that case, it is correct to use the concept "hallucination"? In the terminology related to the hallucination studies, what is reality and what is truth? When could we speak about an hallucination and when not? How to difference somethings that is trully in our mind and something that is in part beeing evoked in our mind but actually present in the perception interface of the perceiver? If this "unknown beeings" really exist but decide to manifest only to some people and not to all of us (they have their own "logic" and purposes and intentions), how could be determine this fact? How can we determine if a person (a sane subject or someone suffering a disease for example schizophrenia) is really perceiving the presence of these beeings? In this case, what means perceiving? How to find a true limit between hallucination, illusion and reality? What could we rescue from parapsychology? May we put all this "odd" stories only as something ocurring inside the subject mind and spreading around his/her perception system? Are we not enough intelligent in order to find some differences between the possible "real" facts of this episodes, unless socially inconvenient? If we accept that much of these experiences are difficult to be completely treated through the scientific method, what would you suggest to be done, lets say what may be realized using the scientific method and what without the complete use of the scientific method?
I apologize if I write to much but I tried to make a complete approach to the point of interest and the conflictive situation some perceivers could encounter when they want to tell their experiences but previously think if it is prudent to do it openly? I know that many people have a lot of experiences to share but the behave silently in order to avoid to be bad comprehended, maybe socially isolated and possible classified as insane, and that are completely sane but became insane only because not beeing able to share their experiencies in a world and society that tells to grow through collective experiences. I also apologize if my english is not the best. Thank you for any answer you could share with me. Best regards,
Miguel A. Jordan
PD: is there any possibility to get some of your articles, for example "Sensory deception: a scientific analysis of hallucination.", " "The illusion of reality: a review and integration of psychological research on hallucinations"? Thanks again! PD2: I wrote you the same letter on 2007/7/14 but to richard.bentall@manchester.ac.uk (maybe is that other email not working) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2404293&dopt=Abstract Psychol Bull. 1990 Jan;107(1):82-95. Related Articles, Links The illusion of reality: a review and integration of psychological research on hallucinations. Bentall RP. Department of Psychiatry, New Medical School, Liverpool, England. Hallucinations are among the most severe and puzzling forms of psychopathology. Although usually regarded as first-rank symptoms of schizophrenia, they are found in a wide range of medical and psychiatric conditions. Moreover, a substantial minority of otherwise normal individuals report hallucinatory experiences. The purpose of this article is to review the considerable research into the cognitive mechanisms underlying (particularly psychotic) hallucinations that has been carried out and to integrate this research within a general framework. The available evidence suggests that hallucinations result from a failure of the metacognitive skills involved in discriminating between self-generated and external sources of information. It is likely that different aspects of these skills are implicated in different types of hallucinatory experiences. Further research should focus on specific metacognitive deficits associated with different types of hallucinations and on treatment strategies designed to train hallucinators to reattribute thoughts to themselves.
Edición: 020609
Reedición: 230621
Fín del artículo! Nota para meditar: Al pasar vio Jesús a un ciego de nacimiento y sus discípulos le preguntaron: "Maestro, ¿que pecados son la causa de que este haya nacido ciego, los suyos o los de sus padres?" Respondió Jesús: No es por culpa de éste, ni de sus padres; sino para que las obras del poder de DIOS resplandezcan en él". (Este mensaje va en cada artículo de la blog) ...
Dear specialist in hallucination and schizophrenia:
my name is Miguel Jordan, an electrical engineer very interested in the hallucination phenomenon. I write you shortly to ask you some issues related to this topic where you are an expert. Let me start with a little introduction to make you clear what are my intentions and interests in this area unless beeing an engineer, this means, someone with supposed interest in areas not neccesarily related to your area. Iam also a researcher in the parapsychology area, only because I had have myself unusual experiences (let me say you I have seen "unknown beeings", so named "paranormal phenomena" and "rare objects (for example UFO´s, true devices, clearly not human made). I can explain you later a lot about this but I think maybe it is now unneccesary for the purpose of my letter. Returning to the time when I began to experience such unusual episodes, after those "perceptive facts" I tried to understand this experiences and supposed that the best way was to ask my friends and parents and other known people but much of them answered me that this what I was talking about did not exist (or it is better to consider it not as something true or real but only on mind) while other state that unless these experiencies are true and real (including unknown people presence or manifestation (close encounters)) the esence or nature of this phenomenology is not the best for beeing tested through the scientific method. Of course with the time one discover that there are a lot of things that are not suited for the scientific methodology but this does not mean that they are not of interest and also that the study of such topics are of course of importance, not for all but as less for the perceivers maybe some of them people actually diagnosed as hallucination sufferers or also suffering schizophrenia.
Of course in the beginning it was a big surprise for me because unconscioussly I knew that there is something rare with this kind of experiences but they are in appearance true or clearly real for me as the perceiver but not neccesarily for the other witnesses or actual perceivers. Some other unusual phenomenon were also experienced with other witnesses at the same moment. For example, UFO phenomenon is something true in some places in southamerica and you can be approached by intelligent lights that are clearly something not manufactured by any technologically developed country. When you are a witness of such phenomena you enter technically in an altered state of perception and also of cognition because the body and mind do not have any idea (we suppose) about the way to behave and react to this manifestation and also try to get a way of escape to a possible danger. I mean danger or fear is something we feel when we experiencied such episodes, including tachycardia and some accelerated breathing and a lot of concentrated attention to each of the unknown intelligent objects and phenomena surrounding us. If you do not believe in such unknown nature (lets say a true paranormal explanation) as less you can also consider that the witnesses are experiencing something trully outside themselves.
I also believe that they are some cases where people are unconscioussly autosuggested or collectively suggested, or they are not aware of the presence of natural or artifical hallucination agents (pollen, or experiencing the effect of some eaten alcaloids) or beeing unconsciouslly used as guinea piggs. Much of these explanation alternatives are often not considered by scientific researchers or therapists when treating some people who mention some episodes medically classified as "hallucination". Let me now ask you something: -what is really an hallucination? when are we in front of an hallucination (hallucinating) and when are we not? -is it neccesary that other one tell you that they are not seeing (or perceiving) something to suppose that we are hallucinating? -what is the problem with hallucinating?
Maybe the fact that the content of the hallucination (the episode perceived and/or assimilated) is something that: a) could not be true or real (as less not true for all when users of the scientific method verifies it)?; b) is politically incorrect to be told because it is a tabbu and when you continue talking about this you some society groups and members with start treating you as someone with a disorder or telling unconvenient stories?; c) because it is not logic or there is no coherence?; d) others and mix of this others? What is the real problem with hallucination? The problem is related to "hallucinating" or it is the unconfortable reaction of the society to topics that are better to hide or to consider as mythology or unsense? What may an "hallucinator" (a special "perceiver" or witness) do? Is it scientific to treat some unusual episodes as simple hallucinations or illusions? Let us suppose that other intelligent beeings exist (an all the unknown reality and physical phenomena related to their existence and manifestation in the perceiver´s surrounds). Let us also suppose that some people could effectively perceive them and sometimes interact unless with those beeings (material or energetical or what else) unless other present subjects can not perceive them or do not realize that one subject is perceiving this presence. In that case, it is correct to use the concept "hallucination"? In the terminology related to the hallucination studies, what is reality and what is truth? When could we speak about an hallucination and when not? How to difference somethings that is trully in our mind and something that is in part beeing evoked in our mind but actually present in the perception interface of the perceiver? If this "unknown beeings" really exist but decide to manifest only to some people and not to all of us (they have their own "logic" and purposes and intentions), how could be determine this fact? How can we determine if a person (a sane subject or someone suffering a disease for example schizophrenia) is really perceiving the presence of these beeings? In this case, what means perceiving? How to find a true limit between hallucination, illusion and reality? What could we rescue from parapsychology? May we put all this "odd" stories only as something ocurring inside the subject mind and spreading around his/her perception system? Are we not enough intelligent in order to find some differences between the possible "real" facts of this episodes, unless socially inconvenient? If we accept that much of these experiences are difficult to be completely treated through the scientific method, what would you suggest to be done, lets say what may be realized using the scientific method and what without the complete use of the scientific method?
I apologize if I write to much but I tried to make a complete approach to the point of interest and the conflictive situation some perceivers could encounter when they want to tell their experiences but previously think if it is prudent to do it openly? I know that many people have a lot of experiences to share but the behave silently in order to avoid to be bad comprehended, maybe socially isolated and possible classified as insane, and that are completely sane but became insane only because not beeing able to share their experiencies in a world and society that tells to grow through collective experiences. I also apologize if my english is not the best. Thank you for any answer you could share with me. Best regards,
Miguel A. Jordan
PD: is there any possibility to get some of your articles, for example "Sensory deception: a scientific analysis of hallucination.", " "The illusion of reality: a review and integration of psychological research on hallucinations"? Thanks again! PD2: I wrote you the same letter on 2007/7/14 but to richard.bentall@manchester.ac.uk (maybe is that other email not working) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2404293&dopt=Abstract Psychol Bull. 1990 Jan;107(1):82-95. Related Articles, Links The illusion of reality: a review and integration of psychological research on hallucinations. Bentall RP. Department of Psychiatry, New Medical School, Liverpool, England. Hallucinations are among the most severe and puzzling forms of psychopathology. Although usually regarded as first-rank symptoms of schizophrenia, they are found in a wide range of medical and psychiatric conditions. Moreover, a substantial minority of otherwise normal individuals report hallucinatory experiences. The purpose of this article is to review the considerable research into the cognitive mechanisms underlying (particularly psychotic) hallucinations that has been carried out and to integrate this research within a general framework. The available evidence suggests that hallucinations result from a failure of the metacognitive skills involved in discriminating between self-generated and external sources of information. It is likely that different aspects of these skills are implicated in different types of hallucinatory experiences. Further research should focus on specific metacognitive deficits associated with different types of hallucinations and on treatment strategies designed to train hallucinators to reattribute thoughts to themselves.
Edición: 020609
Reedición: 230621
Fín del artículo! Nota para meditar: Al pasar vio Jesús a un ciego de nacimiento y sus discípulos le preguntaron: "Maestro, ¿que pecados son la causa de que este haya nacido ciego, los suyos o los de sus padres?" Respondió Jesús: No es por culpa de éste, ni de sus padres; sino para que las obras del poder de DIOS resplandezcan en él". (Este mensaje va en cada artículo de la blog) ...
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